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Technology Accelerator (Tech)

The Technology Accelerator hub is the umbrella under which MATRIX oversees both the progress of its portfolio of ongoing critical path projects and supports product and process innovations for HIV and dual-purpose prevention product research and development. The Technology Accelerator hub consists of two sub-components: Technology Accelerator Domain 1 (TA-D1) and Technology Accelerator Domain 2 (TA-D2). TA-D1 and TA-D2 work in concert to oversee and support MATRIX operations in three general categories: Capacity Strengthening (TA-D1 and TA-D2), Product Development (TA-D2), and Prevention Field Landscaping (TA-D2).  
(See graphic and descriptions of these activities below)

Tech Accelerator Overview

Capacity Strengthening (TA-D1 and TA-D2)

The Technology Accelerator hub hosts MATRIX product- or project-specific capacity strengthening efforts. These are efforts designed to strengthen the research capacity of African researchers in Kenya, South Africa and Zimbabwe, and through its Independent Special Projects (ISP) program, the scope of the MATRIX collaborative overall as well.

In a dual oversight role, TA-D1 and TA-D2 act to support, capture, and fund game-changer innovations and capacity strengthening opportunities. TA-D1 supports these activities through its Seed Grants and Prevention Challenge grants. Seed Grants and Prevention Challenge grants are 12-24 months grants with limited funding (200K USD) focusing on accomplishing applicant-defined research objectives and milestones. Both the Seed Grants and the Prevention Challenge grants are implemented through a request for application (RFA) and peer review process focused on identifying investigators that propose novel research activities with the potential to significantly strengthen capacity and/or lead to new and innovative HIV prevention strategies and products. MATRIX also seeks to identify game-changer and capacity-strengthening projects that will directly support MATRIX and/or USAID HIV prevention objectives. TA-D2 administers the ISP program, which focuses on high-impact projects that advance MATRIX’s and USAID’s scientific objectives. ISP programs are solicited via an invited application process and are funded for the duration of the project and to support the costs of the resources required for accomplishing the ISP’s key objectives and milestones.    

Product Development (TA-D2)

Product development oversight within MATRIX is provided by MATRIX’s Scientific Advisory Group (SAG). The SAG is composed of US and international scientists with a wide range of expertise who, on a biannual basis, evaluate the progress of MATRIX’s critical path projects. SAG evaluations allow MATRIX to actively monitor critical path project progress and make recommendations to continue product development (proceed), address experimental delays and correct problems or barriers to progress (mitigation) or determine that no further progress can be made or that the product is no longer of interest to MATRIX and USAID (stop). For projects placed in mitigation, progress on problem resolution is monitored by the SAG and recommendations to continue mitigation efforts, stop development, or return to the critical path can be made. The SAG process also allows MATRIX to take advantage of new product development opportunities by on-boarding new projects. Thus, the SAG-driven product development oversight acts as the main engine for critical path product development and oversight within MATRIX and is designed to move products from initial development to investigational new drug (IND)-enabling studies, first-in-human clinical trials, and late-stage development, while taking advantage of new opportunities in the HIV prevention and dual-prevention product space.

Prevention Field Landscape (TA-D2)

The Technology Accelerator also supports the prevention field landscape activity. This activity is divided into two components: a virtual meeting with representatives from pharmaceutical companies, funding agencies and non-government organizations (Partners Call) and a desktop literature review. Conducted biannually, both activities intend to inform MATRIX and USAID on product development progress in the HIV prevention field and help guide and set priorities for MATRIX product development and capacity strengthening activities. The MATRIX-hosted partner’s call is composed of representatives of entities highly involved in HIV prevention product development and implementation, e.g., pharmaceutical companies, foundations, National Institutes of Health, NGOs. The biannual desktop review provides detailed summary of published research, newly funded HIV grants listed in NIH Reporter, clinical trials listed on and other informational resources. The goal of the desk-top review is to provide a snapshot of the HIV prevention field, reduce repetition and duplication of research and development efforts and identify new opportunities in the prevention field for MATRIX.  

Key contacts

TA-D1 Capacity Strengthening: Seed and Prevention Challenge Grants 
Jessica Mistilis

TA-D2 Product Development and Independent Special Projects
Jim Turpin
Ariane van der Straten

TA-D2 Prevention Field Landscape
Partners Call: Jim Turpin and Ariane van der Straten
Biannual Literature Review: Ariane van der Straten


View our organization chart here.

Organization Charts
MATRIX Technology Accelerator Organization Chart (Download) 2025-01-09160.92 KB