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Prevention Field Landscape (TA-D2)

The prevention field landscape aspect of the Technology Accelerator hub is divided into two components: a virtual meeting with representatives from pharmaceutical companies, funding agencies and non-government organizations (Partners Call) and a desktop literature review. Conducted biannually, both activities intend to inform MATRIX and USAID on product development progress in the HIV prevention field and help guide and set priorities for MATRIX product development and capacity strengthening activities. The MATRIX-hosted partner’s call is composed of representatives of entities highly involved in HIV prevention product development and implementation, e.g., pharmaceutical companies, foundations, National Institutes of Health (NIH), NGOs. The biannual desktop review provides detailed summary of published research, newly funded HIV grants listed in NIH Reporter, clinical trials listed on and other informational resources. The goal of the desk-top review is to provide a snapshot of the HIV prevention field, reduce repetition and duplication of research and development efforts and identify new opportunities in the prevention field for MATRIX.  


Key Contacts

Jim Turpin
Ariane van der Straten